Charcoal: Turns Out It’s Useful!

It turns out that activated charcoal can be pretty useful to have around the house. And no, we’re not talking about the briquettes from your BBQ. Activated charcoal is something totally different. Activated Charcoal is a fine black powder that is odorless and tasteless. Think of it as a super absorbent powder. For this reason, it is used to remove all sorts of toxins from your body.

Teeth Whitening 

Charcoal is actually extremely effective as a teeth whitener. It’s seems a little counterintuitive that a black powder makes your teeth white, but it actually works! To try it, get an old toothbrush (keep in mind it’ll be stained black), wet it, dip it in your activated charcoal, and brush around for a bit. Don’t freak out, but your mouth will turn dark black. Rinse it out and you’ll have smiling white pearls looking back at you in the mirror.

Just be careful, charcoal can stain. It will wipe off of a counter or sink but watch out for porous surfaces like grout. And don’t do it too often because it may wear down the enamel of your teeth over time.

Face Cleanser

Because activated charcoal absorbs bad toxins, it makes a great facial cleanser. It removes all the dirt and oils from you skin extremely well.

To make a charcoal face mask mix 1 tablespoon of bentonite clay, 1 tablespoon of activated charcoal, and 2 tablespoons of water together in a bowl. Apply the mask to you face and let it dry for about 10 minutes before rinsing it off. Voila! Beautiful skin!

Treat Insect Bites

Charcoal absorbs toxins so it’s great at relieving insect bites. It’s also handy for helping with rashes from poison ivy. Mix together some activated charcoal along with baking soda and apply it directly to the insect bite or rash.

So, there you have it. Some handy things you can try with activated charcoal! 

Please note: we are not a doctors at iAWW (nor do we play them on TV) consult a medical professional before trying out what will work for you.   

By T. DeRose

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